Monday, August 2, 2010

Crying Shame and a PITY

The world has really taken a turn for the worst when young girls are making sex films in order to gain notoriety. Laurence Fishburne’s daughter Montana has truly taken a dive off the deep end with her latest venture. The young Fishburne has decided to make a porno in order to gain popularity; and guess who her role model is. Kim Kardashian. GO FIGURE. Now ain’t that a kick in the head. I guess cock sucking is taking people to celebrity status faster than hard work these days. SMDH!

If you want my opinion and obviously you do since your reading this, this young child is a spoiled brat who wants the fast life without the hard work. Laurence needs to beat the breaks off her ass and that is the pretty Monroe truth.

“I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.”

Below: Photos of Montana released by TMZ.



SN: I don't see this turning out good, but hey, it worked for Kim. #KanyeShrug